Claim reviews
The flu shot is safe for pregnant women, does not increase the risk of spontaneous abortion
4,250% increase in fetal deaths reported to VAERS after flu shot given to pregnant women
SOURCE: Christine England, Vactruth, Health Impact News
Published: 31 Dec 2019

HIV drug Truvada linked to kidney damage and bone density loss, but risks are low and usually outweighed by the drug’s benefits
You took Truvada to help protect against HIV, not increase your risk of kidney or bone problems.
SOURCE: Anonymous, A Case for Women
Published: 24 Dec 2019

False claim that wind turbines generate more global warming than fossil fuels misrepresents study it relies on
Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate
SOURCE: Ethan Huff,
Published: 23 Dec 2019

Ice cube meme misrepresents physics of sea level rise to claim melting ice has no effect
[Photo] A little science lesson for the #idiots at the global warming conference. Ice berg melts, ocean level remains the same.
SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook
Published: 17 Dec 2019

1977 “coming ice age” Time magazine cover is a fake
When the exact same group of 'experts' who claimed it was global cooling in 1977 now claim it's global warming you can easily see why I am skeptical
SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook
Published: 16 Dec 2019

Popular Facebook meme misleadingly suggests that the measles vaccine caused 2019 Samoa measles outbreak
Measles vaccine caused Samoa measles outbreak
SOURCE: Anonymous, Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Published: 13 Dec 2019

The flu shot is safe and does not cause cancer, contrary to popular claim by chiropractor
The flu shot is made with cancer-causing ingredients
SOURCE: John Bergman, Anonymous Notables
Published: 10 Dec 2019

Mike Adams falsely claims cancer genes and “entire genetic code” are found in vaccines, based on unverified report
Vaccines [have been] found laced with entire genetic code for abnormal human loaded with cancer genes
SOURCE: Mike Adams, Natural News, Corvelva
Published: 02 Dec 2019

Studies worldwide demonstrate HPV vaccine safety and no association with serious autoimmune and neurological diseases or problems during pregnancy
the autoimmune diseases and menstrual cycle problems and fertility problems [...] and all of the other things that we’ve now seen are associated with the [HPV] vaccine
SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children's Health Defense
Published: 25 Nov 2019

Bedrock heat flow studies made no claim contradicting human-caused melting of glaciers
[A] series of just-released studies by working-level scientists prove that geological and not atmospheric forces are responsible for melting of Earth’s polar ice sheets.
SOURCE: James Edward Kamis, Climate Change Dispatch
Published: 22 Nov 2019