Claim reviews
Data from glaciers around the world show most are shrinking as a consequence of global warming
90 percent of the world’s glaciers are growing.
SOURCE: IceAgeNow, Principia Scientific International
Published: 26 Feb 2020

Cancer is composed of mutated body cells, not Candida fungi
Cancer is Candida/Fungus and can be cured
SOURCE: Anonymous, Healing Oracle
Published: 25 Feb 2020

Current climate warming is rapid and occurring on a global scale, unlike past periods of regional climate fluctuations
Of course the climate is changing. It always has. It always will.
SOURCE: Patrick Moore, PragerU
Published: 21 Feb 2020

Sea levels have risen throughout the 20th century, contrary to claim in online articles
Scientists were caught 'adjusting' sea level data to create false impression of rising oceans
SOURCE: Vicki Batts, James Delingpole, Signs of the Times, Breitbart
Published: 20 Feb 2020

Vitamin C supplementation does not prevent viral respiratory infections, such as those caused by coronaviruses, in the general population
The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C
SOURCE: Andrew W. Saul, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Health Impact News
Published: 20 Feb 2020

NOAA does not fraudulently adjust data to create the illusion of a global warming trend
Using complex statistical models, [NOAA] change[s] the data to reflect not reality, but their underlying theories of global warming.
SOURCE: Anonymous, Investor's Business Daily
Published: 19 Feb 2020

Chemical in garlic eliminates certain bacterial cells faster than two common antibiotics, but not by 100 times
Garlic proven 100 times more effective than antibiotics
SOURCE: Anonymous, Why Don't You Try This
Published: 17 Feb 2020

Overwhelming scientific evidence shows that smoking causes lung cancer, instead of protecting against it
Smoking may protect lungs from cancer
SOURCE: Grayson Black, NewsPunch
Published: 12 Feb 2020

CO2 emissions from human activities have imbalanced the atmospheric carbon budget, significantly contributing to climate change, contrary to online claim
Less than 5% of carbon dioxide emissions are produced by man [... they] can’t cause 30% of today’s atmospheric carbon dioxide
SOURCE: I&I Editorial Board, Issues & Insights
Published: 11 Feb 2020

2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) does not contain “pShuttle-SN” sequence; no evidence that virus is man-made
2019 novel coronavirus contains 'pShuttle-SN' sequence proving laboratory origin
SOURCE: Alex Jones, Mike Adams, InfoWars, Natural News
Published: 10 Feb 2020