Scott Johnson
Science Editor
Scott holds a Master of Science in Hydrogeology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He teaches college-level Earth science, and has worked as a freelance science journalist covering the geosciences since 2011, primarily for Ars Technica.
Guardian article on Arctic methane emissions claiming “a new climate feedback loop may have been triggered” lacks important context
in The Guardian, by Jonathan Watts
— 30 Oct 2020
Article in The Sun misrepresents Antarctic discovery and misplaces it on map
in The Sun, by Charlotte Edwards
— 10 Mar 2020
ABC article effectively illustrates important climate trends for Australian readers
in Australian Broadcasting Company, by Tim Leslie, Joshua Byrd, Nathan Hoad
— 11 Déc 2019
Ian Plimer op-ed in The Australian again presents long list of false claims about climate
in The Australian, by Ian Plimer
— 26 Nov 2019
New York Times op-ed claiming scientists underestimated climate change lacks supporting evidence
in The New York Times, by Eugene Linden
— 18 Nov 2019
Telegraph article on climate change mixes accurate and unsupported, inaccurate claims, misleads with false balance
in The Telegraph, by Sarah Knapton
— 18 Oct 2019
Letter signed by « 500 scientists » relies on inaccurate claims about climate science
in clintel.nl, by Guus Berkhou, Reynald du Berger, Terry Dunleavy, Viv Forbes, Jeffrey Fos, Morten Jodal, Rob Lemeire, Richard Lindzen, Ingemar Nordin, Jim O'Brien, Alberto Prestininzi, Benoit Rittaud, Fritz Vahrenholt, Christopher Monckton
— 04 Oct 2019
Washington Examiner op-ed cherry-picks data and misleads readers about climate models
in The Washington Examiner, by Patrick Michaels, Caleb Stewart Rossiter
— 31 Août 2019
NBC News story accurately covers research on two millennia of climate history
in NBC News, by Jaclyn Jeffrey-Wilensky
— 30 Juil 2019
Popular article in The Independent accurately summarizes June heat in Europe
in The Independent, by Conrad Duncan
— 05 Juil 2019
Video advertising “Powersave” device is misleading and makes impossible home power savings claims
Published: 27 Déc 2020

Western US wildfires are not the result of widespread arson
SOURCE: Glen Morgan, We The Governed
Published: 14 Sep 2020

Study evaluates natural and human causes of recent rapid warming rate at the South Pole
SOURCE: Henry Fountain, The New York Times
Published: 06 Juil 2020

Global data contradict claim of no acceleration in sea level rise
SOURCE: Willis Eschenbach, Watts Up With That?
Published: 01 Avr 2020

Electroverse article incorrectly claims the Sun is behind climate change
SOURCE: Roger Higgs, Electroverse
Published: 18 Mar 2020

NOAA does not fraudulently adjust data to create the illusion of a global warming trend
SOURCE: Anonymous, Investor's Business Daily
Published: 19 Fév 2020

Les études invoquées ne corroborent pas l’affirmation de blogs selon laquelle l’activité volcanique provoque la fonte des glaciers de l’Antarctique occidental
SOURCE: Robert W. Felix, James Kamis, IceAgeNow.info, PlateClimatology.com
Published: 20 Jan 2020

Simple measurements demonstrate that CO2 is a greenhouse gas contrary to claim in online blogs
SOURCE: Tim Ball, Technocracy.news
Published: 14 Jan 2020

Facebook meme incorrectly claims past climate variations contradict human influence on current climate
SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook
Published: 13 Jan 2020

Volcanic CO2 emissions are known to be much smaller than human-caused emissions
SOURCE: James Edward Kamis, Principia Scientific
Published: 03 Jan 2020