Claim reviews
Claim that SARS-CoV-2 binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells unsupported and implausible
COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells
SOURCE: Andrew Gaiziunas, Medium
Published: 15 Apr 2020

Some evidence suggests that vitamin C and D supplementation might prevent or treat respiratory infections, but their effectiveness is still being tested with COVID-19
Vitamins C and D are now finally being adopted in the conventional treatment of SARS-CoV-2; Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses; vitamin D helps the body fight SARS-CoV-2 infection and can cut infection risk.
SOURCE: Joseph Mercola, Mercola
Published: 14 Apr 2020

Conspiracy theorists claim that 5G increases vulnerability to COVID-19 with baseless theory that it affects hemoglobin
Coronavirus pandemic would likely not be nearly as bad if 5G exposure/radiation pollution wasn’t already compromising the structure and function of hemoglobin cells.
SOURCE: Mike Adams, Natural News
Published: 11 Apr 2020

Scientists observe most widespread bleaching event ever recorded at The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is experiencing the most widespread bleaching ever recorded
SOURCE: Michael Slezak and Penny Timms, ABC News
Published: 11 Apr 2020

Claim that flu shot causes false positive results on COVID-19 tests is unsupported and misleading
The flu shot causes false positive results on COVID-19 tests
SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook
Published: 10 Apr 2020

The Antarctic ozone layer is recovering, but The Independent claim fails to grasp significance of study it relies on
The ozone layer is healing
SOURCE: Louise Boyle, The Independent
Published: 07 Apr 2020

PCR tests for COVID-19 are specific for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and do not detect other coronaviruses, contrary to claims in viral article and video
There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus
SOURCE: Jerry Day, Julian Rose,, YouTube
Published: 06 Apr 2020

Evidence points to coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 being of natural origin, no evidence it could have been intentionally propagated
The coronavirus has been 'released' by China
SOURCE: Anonymous,
Published: 05 Apr 2020

Viral video mixes truth about COVID-19 with a long list of ineffective treatments and preventions
Coronavirus does not cause a runny nose; is killed by temperatures above 26 degrees; causes lung fibrosis within days of infection; can be diagnosed by holding your breath for 10 seconds; and can be cured in the early stages by drinking plenty of water.
SOURCE: Steven Aitchison, Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life
Published: 03 Apr 2020

Global data contradict claim of no acceleration in sea level rise
The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration
SOURCE: Willis Eschenbach, Watts Up With That?
Published: 01 Apr 2020