Claim reviews
The World Health Organization doesn’t recommend ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment; the drug’s safety and effectiveness remains uncertain in COVID-19 patients
“WHO data shows [that] ivermectin reduces COVID-19 mortality by 81%, but they won’t recommend it?”
SOURCE: Joe Martino, Collective Evolution
Published: 19 Apr 2021

Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms; other factors may determine an individual’s susceptibility to infection, but the microorganism is still the cause
“…a virus is not the cause of an illness. It’s a necessary cause […] but it is not the cause.”
SOURCE: Lisa Feldman Barrett, Facebook
Published: 16 Apr 2021

A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse at 4°C above pre-industrial levels, as accurately described in CNN article
"A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms"
SOURCE: Amy Woodyatt, CNN
Published: 16 Apr 2021

In viral Turning Point USA video, Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk falsely claim there is no evidence of global warming and scientists don’t know the cause
There is no factual data to back up global warming; real scientists don’t know whether CO2, solar sunspots or natural activity cause global warming
SOURCE: Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk , Turning Point USA
Published: 16 Apr 2021

No evidence that “keto diet pills” are effective for long-term weight management; Shark Tank judges didn’t endorse a “keto diet pill”
Ketogenic-based supplements let you lose weight while sleeping; Shark Tank judges backed “keto diet pill”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook
Published: 15 Apr 2021

COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time due to scientists’ good understanding of similar coronaviruses and unprecedented investments from companies and governments
“No vaccine for HIV after 40 years of research. No vaccine for the common cold [...] A virus mysteriously appears and within a year a vaccine is created and we are all expected to take it.”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Instagram
Published: 14 Apr 2021

Compensation for vaccine injury claims can be awarded even without proof that the vaccine caused the injury
“Since 1986, [the U.S. Government] has paid over $4.5 billion dollars for injury claims to individuals damaged by vaccines. We all wish that vaccines were 100% safe, but the truth is, they’re not.”
SOURCE: Health Choice Connecticut, Facebook
Published: 14 Apr 2021

The current U.S. generation is healthier than previous ones partly because vaccines reduced infectious diseases; childhood immunization schedules are safe, contrary to chiropractor’s claims
“look at the [vaccination] schedule, we have gotten sicker and sicker”; “the biggest jump in shots came after the 1986 vaccine protection act”
SOURCE: Patrick Flynn, Facebook
Published: 13 Apr 2021

Scientific evidence supports the use of face masks to reduce COVID-19 spread, mainly by preventing infectious liquid particles from reaching uninfected people
Scientific evidence doesn’t support the wearing of face masks; “why do you care if I don't wear a mask? Doesn't your mask protect you?”
SOURCE: Dennis Prager, Townhall Media
Published: 12 Apr 2021

Clinical trials and post-trial monitoring show that COVID-19 vaccines reduce the spread and occurrence of the disease
COVID-19 vaccines are experimental and don’t prevent infection or transmission; most of us have a 0.05% chance of dying from COVID-19
SOURCE: Facebook user, Facebook
Published: 10 Apr 2021