Claim reviews
Pre-human changes in climate do not negate contemporary human influence on modern warming, contrary to implication in popular Instagram post
Climate changed naturally in prehistoric eras, modern climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon
SOURCE: Social media user, Instagram
Published: 23 Jan 2023

Inhaling hydrogen peroxide to counter pathogens is dangerous
Inhaling hydrogen peroxide kills respiratory tract pathogens
SOURCE: Mike Adams, Infowars
Published: 20 Jan 2023

Misrepresented 2018 clip of Bill Gates trigger inaccurate claims that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for livestock could transfer to people through diet
“Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated”
SOURCE: Baxter Dmitry, NewsPunch, The People’s Voice, Headline USA
Published: 18 Jan 2023

The Pfizer bivalent vaccines are very unlikely to increase the risk of ischemic stroke, contrary to claims on social media
The Pfizer COVID-19 bivalent vaccine causes strokes
SOURCE: Social media users, Instagram, Twitter
Published: 18 Jan 2023

Tweet by NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene misinterpreted; no evidence that XBB.1.5 preferentially infects vaccinated people
“Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 possibly more likely to infect those who are vaccinated, officials say”
SOURCE: Julia Musto, Fox News
Published: 17 Jan 2023

Possible increases in cancer rates and lower life expectancy in 2021 are primarily driven by effects of COVID-19, not vaccination
“Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID-19 shots”, which “is driving down U.S. life expectancy”
SOURCE: Joseph Mercola, Children's Health Defense
Published: 13 Jan 2023

Excess deaths in the U.K. remain below the pandemic peak and aren’t linked to COVID-19 vaccines
More people are dying now than at the peak of the pandemic; the COVID-19 vaccines are the cause of the excess deaths seen in late 2022
SOURCE: Antony Newby, Facebook
Published: 13 Jan 2023

Evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the risk of death, contrary to claim by financier Edward Dowd
COVID-19 vaccines are causing excess deaths around the world; sudden adult death syndrome is new
SOURCE: Edward Dowd, Aubrey Marcus, Aubrey Marcus Podcast
Published: 11 Jan 2023

Simulation exercises such as “Catastrophic Contagion” are a normal part of pandemic preparedness; they don’t predict future pandemics
The tabletop exercise “Catastrophic Contagion” means that “Bill Gates and WHO have announced when we will see the next pandemic”
SOURCE: Natali Morris, Clayton Morris, Youtube
Published: 10 Jan 2023

Video by John Campbell comparing historical and COVID-19 vaccines misleads on vaccine safety
A study showed that the number of serious adverse vaccine events associated with COVID-19 vaccines is “too high”
SOURCE: John Campbell, YouTube
Published: 06 Jan 2023