Claim reviews
The scientific evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of infection and mortality; analysis of cases and deaths from 145 countries is methodologically flawed
“New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)“
SOURCE: Steve Kirsch, Substack
Published: 12 Jan 2022

Contrary to claim in Washington Times op-ed, COVID-19 shots meet the definition of a vaccine
“COVID-19 shots are not vaccines” because they don’t “prevent one from becoming infected”
SOURCE: Michael McKenna, Washington Times
Published: 07 Jan 2022

Testing in general reveals infections, it doesn’t create them; COVID-19 isn’t the same as the common cold
“If you stop testing it all goes away and people just have colds like before”
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Published: 07 Jan 2022

Joe Rogan interview with Peter McCullough contains multiple false and unsubstantiated claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines
the pandemic was planned; the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental; previously infected people have “permanent immunity”; VAERS shows vaccines killed thousands of people, vaccine-induced spike protein causes damage
SOURCE: Peter McCullough, The Joe Rogan Experience
Published: 23 Dec 2021

The benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children outweigh the low risks, unlike what Robert Malone claimed
mRNA vaccines force “your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs”; “there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children”
SOURCE: Robert Malone, Substack
Published: 20 Dec 2021

Ivermectin study in the city of Itajaí contains several methodological weaknesses, resulting in questionable conclusions
A preprint of an ivermectin study in the Brazilian city of Itajaí found that prophylactic ivermectin reduced COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality by half
SOURCE: Jim Hoft, Daniel Horowitz, Gateway Pundit, ZeroHedge, The Blaze
Published: 18 Dec 2021

Clip of Anthony Fauci discussing potential vaccine safety concerns is from March 2020; current scientific evidence shows COVID-19 vaccines reduce risk of infection and serious illness
“Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus”, “a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse”
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn
Published: 15 Dec 2021

Unsupported claim about COVID-19 vaccines, anti-spike antibodies, and myocarditis misrepresented conclusions from a New England Journal of Medicine article
“antibodies that people produce against the coronavirus spike protein may lead to myocarditis”
SOURCE: Jim Hoft, Alex Berenson, Gateway Pundit
Published: 09 Dec 2021

No, a fence in a shopping mall wasn’t used to segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated people; photo was taken in Romania, not Germany
“In Germany, a fence separates vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The biggest symptom of COVID is insanity”
SOURCE: Young Americans for Liberty, Facebook
Published: 08 Dec 2021

Misleading claims linking the spread of Omicron variant to vaccinated people rely on partial data and are unsubstantiated
'Omicron COVID Variant Found ONLY in Fully Vaccinated'
SOURCE: Bill Hennessy, Gateway Pundit
Published: 03 Dec 2021