Nikki Forrester

Science Editor

Nikki holds a PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of Pittsburgh where she studied plant-bacterial interactions. As a freelance science writer, she covers climate, ecology, evolution, and research news. Her work appears in Nature, Science, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and other outlets.

The Science Feedback team


CO2 coalition sponsored article in The Washington Times presents list of false and misleading statements about the impacts of CO2 and climate change

in The Washington Times, by Gregory Wrightstone

— 05 May 2021

"This article recycles old tropes such as “it’s been warm before”, “CO2 levels have been higher in the past” (millions of years ago!), “CO2 is plant food”, “warming..

Atlantic ocean circulation system is slowing down, as accurately described in The New York Times article

in The New York Times, by Moises Velasquez-Manoff and Jeremy White

— 11 Mar 2021

"This article is well-written, and the visuals are outstanding. It is a very strong piece of science communication. That being said, there is at least one error. The author mistake..

Breitbart article makes numerous false claims about the impacts of climate change, based on Global Warming Policy Foundation post

in Breitbart, by James Delingpole, Dr. Indur Goklany

— 12 Feb 2021

"The article’s scientific credibility is very low. The author cherry-picks data, makes broad generalizations and characterizations based on incomplete or flimsy reasoning, and re..

Video interview of Ian Plimer at Sky News falsely claims that a new study announces an incoming ice age, partly based on an incorrect Daily Mail headline

in Sky News, by Ian Plimer

— 20 Jan 2021

"This video is chock full of false and misleading information, and presented in a way to make the correct scientific information seem like a farce. For example, the direct link bet..

Article by The Daily Caller oversimplifies drivers of wildfires and downplays role of climate change

in The Daily Caller, by Chris White

— 28 Sep 2020

"The causes of the increase in burned area in the western US in recent decades – and the record-setting fires of 2020 – are complex, driven by a mix of a changing climate, a 10..

Article by CNN exaggerates study’s implications for future Greenland ice loss with “point of no return” claim

in CNN, by Max Claypool and Brandon Miller

— 20 Aug 2020

The article in CNN discusses findings from a study published August, 2020 that analyzes trends of ice discharge from the Greenland Ice Sheet over the past three decades[1]. Reports...

Article by Michael Shellenberger mixes accurate and inaccurate claims in support of a misleading and overly simplistic argumentation about climate change

in Forbes, by Michael Shellenberger

— 06 Jul 2020

"Shellenberger’s article promoting his new book “Apocalypse Never” includes a mix of accurate, misleading, and patently false statements. While it is useful to push back agai..

Video from PragerU makes several incorrect and misleading claims about climate change

in PragerU, by Richard Lindzen

— 23 May 2020

This video discussing climate change was first published on PragerU’s website in April 2016 and recently posted on Facebook in May 2020. Scientists that evaluated the video found...

Article in Business Insider accurately describes results from a study estimating up to 3 billion people could live in much warmer temperatures by 2070

in Business Insider, by Sarah Al-Arshani

— 12 May 2020

The article in Business Insider discusses findings from a study published May, 2020 that projected one to three billion people could live in much warmer climates by 2070, assuming ...


Biden’s climate plan doesn’t say anything about limiting meat consumption, contrary to Daily Mail, Fox News claim

Biden’s climate plan limits meat consumption by 90%; “Biden's climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH”

SOURCE: Emily Crane, Daily Mail

Published: 29 Apr 2021


A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse at 4°C above pre-industrial levels, as accurately described in CNN article

"A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms"

SOURCE: Amy Woodyatt, CNN

Published: 16 Apr 2021


Deserts cool the planet by reflecting solar radiation to space; vegetated areas have an overall warming effect, so planting trees in deserts doesn’t necessarily cool the planet

"Deserts are heat producers, reflecting around 60% to 70% of the solar energy that falls on them straight back into the atmosphere."; "If we want to do something about global warming, we have to do something about deserts."

SOURCE: Ties Van der Hoeven, Steve Rose, The Guardian

Published: 09 Apr 2021


Solar geoengineering isn’t happening or damaging the planet; aircraft contrails are formed by water vapor, not chemicals

"The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet’s life support systems."

SOURCE: Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch

Published: 25 Mar 2021


Viral photo of a helicopter de-icing a wind turbine is from Sweden, not Texas; current power outages in Texas are due to multiple fuel types going offline

Helicopters are using chemicals made from fossil fuels to defrost wind turbines; frosted wind turbines are responsible for blackouts in Texas; “the reason your power is/was out is wind energy's fault.”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 17 Feb 2021


NOAA shows clear global warming trends over the past 58 years based on radiosonde data

“The 58 year net gain of global temperature is zero. We are simply in a cyclical, normal ebb and flow of temperature.”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 05 Feb 2021


PragerU post by Happer uses flawed reasoning to claim that climate models always fail

"climate models that attempt to predict the future temperature of the planet...don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now."; "the number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable"; "CO2 is a minor contributor to the warming of the earth"

SOURCE: William Happer, PragerU

Published: 27 Jan 2021


Rates of global sea level rise have accelerated since 1900, contrary to bloggers’ claims

“there has not been a long-term distinctive change in sea level rise rates in the last 120 years”

SOURCE: Pierre L. Gosselin, Kenneth Richard, NoTricksZone, Watts Up With That?

Published: 15 Jan 2021


Scientific studies established clear links between human-caused increased in atmospheric CO2 and global warming

“It’s a good thing that we are putting some more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to warm.”

SOURCE: Patrick Moore, Instagram

Published: 18 Dec 2020


The clothing industry produces 3 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, as accurately claimed in Patagonia post

“The clothing industry contributes up to 10% of the pollution driving the climate crisis.”

SOURCE: Patagonia, Instagram

Published: 06 Dec 2020



The potentials and limitations of tree plantings as a climate solution

— 11 Jun 2020

the international conversation on tree plantings as a solution to reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and mitigating the rise in global surface temperature is mixed, with judg...