Reviews of articles from: Watts Up With That?
Earth’s surface continues to warm due to greenhouse gas emissions, contrary to claims by Christopher Monckton in Watts Up With That
“...Seven and a half years have passed since there was any trend in global warming at all” If global warming was caused by human emissions, temperature would rise at a steady rate
SOURCE: Christopher Monckton, Watts Up With That
Published: 11 Apr. 2022
Sea temperatures around the Great Barrier Reef have increased over the last 150 years, contrary to claim at Wattsupwiththat
"Great Barrier Reef Sea Surface Temperature: No Change In 150 Years"
SOURCE: David Mason-Jones, Wattsupwiththat?
Published: 08 Sep. 2021
Despite 2021 being a good year for coral health, coral in the Great Barrier Reef has declined over the past decade and is threatened by climate change, contrary to claims by Peter Ridd
“The amount of coral on the Great Barrier Reef is at record high levels”; those claiming the reef is threatened by climate change are alarmists
SOURCE: Peter Ridd, The Australian, Climate Change Dispatch, Watts Up With That?
Published: 21 Aug. 2021
Rates of global sea level rise have accelerated since 1900, contrary to bloggers’ claims
“there has not been a long-term distinctive change in sea level rise rates in the last 120 years”
SOURCE: Pierre L. Gosselin, Kenneth Richard, NoTricksZone, Watts Up With That?
Published: 15 Jan. 2021
Globale Messungen widersprechen der Behauptung, dass es keine Beschleunigung des Meeresspiegelanstiegs gibt
Die langfristigen Datensätze von Tidenmessern stimmen alle darin überein, dass es keine Beschleunigung gibt.
SOURCE: Willis Eschenbach und Chris Frey, EIKE - Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie
Published: 11 Apr. 2020