Claim reviews
COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of pregnancy complications; Pfizer’s clinical trial didn’t show increased rate of miscarriage in pregnant women
“44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies”
SOURCE: Naomi Wolf, Daily Clout, War Room Battleground
Published: 23 Aug 2022

Analysis of Dutch cities’ mortality doesn’t show that COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of death, contrary to Alex Berenson’s interpretation
“New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 17 Aug 2022

Cancer is caused by mutations, not the body’s acidity; eating alkaline foods can’t alter the body’s pH to prevent or treat cancer
Cancer occurs when “your body is full of acidity”; alkalizing your body prevents cancer
SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook
Published: 13 Aug 2022

Carbon dioxide emissions by humans are the major driver of modern climate change, contrary to Jerome Corsi’s claims in CBN News video
Carbon dioxide is not a climate heat driver; we had an ice age when the Earth had extraordinarily larger amounts of carbon dioxide; in the 1970s scientists thought we were going to have a new ice age.
SOURCE: Jerome Corsi, CBN News
Published: 05 Aug 2022

The CDC hasn’t classified monkeypox as airborne; transmission is typically through sustained physical contact
CDC has now classified [monkeypox] as airborne and anybody within 15 ft can catch it; [it] is now classified as a form of herpes [...] lasts 2-4 months [and] can lead to being paralyzed
SOURCE: Anonymous, Fathers Matter
Published: 04 Aug 2022

No evidence for claim that excess folic acid causes ADHD; MTHFR gene variants are common, generally don’t cause health problems
Excess folic acid from food causes ADHD; folic acid is a dangerous chemical in food
SOURCE: Gary Brecka, Dropping Bombs
Published: 03 Aug 2022

The sun isn’t responsible for current climate change, contrary to claims in Suspicious0bservers YouTube video
Scientists have neglected the effect of solar particles, cosmic rays, the interplanetary magnetic field and Earth's weakening magnetic field to conclude climate change is due to human activity
SOURCE: Ben Davidson, Suspicious0bservers
Published: 29 Jul 2022

COVID-19 vaccines don’t weaken the immune system; Lancet study misrepresented in Virology Journal comment
Lancet study showed that vaccinated people have lower immune function than unvaccinated people; COVID-19 vaccines suppress the immune system
SOURCE: Kenji Yamamoto, Tucker Carlson, The Hodgetwins, Fox News
Published: 28 Jul 2022

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of death from COVID-19; the vaccines don’t alter our DNA
Canadian data shows vaccinated people more likely to die from COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccines alter our DNA; hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin cure COVID-19
SOURCE: Charlie Kirk, The Charlie Kirk Show
Published: 21 Jul 2022

Consuming sufficient vitamin C is necessary for health and plays an important role in many of the body’s chemical processes
“The herbs heal [...] not vitamin C, because the body is not composed of any vitamin C”
SOURCE: Alfredo Bowman, Facebook
Published: 14 Jul 2022