Claim reviews
Scientific studies show that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reduces transmission; claim by Rob Roos is misleading
“In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. ‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie.”
SOURCE: Rob Roos, Twitter
Published: 18 Oct 2022

Link between CO2 and Earth’s temperature is well-established, despite claims on Fox News
Scientists have found no consistent correlation between CO2 and temperature; scientists do not know whether earth will warm or cool in future
SOURCE: Tom Harris , Fox News
Published: 18 Oct 2022

Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s, but evidence so far doesn’t show that diabetes causes Alzheimer’s
“Alzheimer’s most of the time is preventable. It’s not genetic, and it’s type 3 diabetes, which is insulin resistance of the brain”
SOURCE: Social media users, TikTok, Facebook
Published: 15 Oct 2022

Analysis by Florida Department of Health about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contains multiple methodological problems
Florida study found that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines increase the risk of cardiac-related death, especially in men
SOURCE: Joseph Ladapo, Fox News, Twitter
Published: 13 Oct 2022

Little clinical evidence supports the use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C to treat cancer
Intravenous vitamin C specifically kills only cancer cells and not healthy cells
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, TikTok
Published: 11 Oct 2022

Scientists have found that modern climate change is caused entirely by human activity, contrary to recent speculation by Joe Rogan
“The question is, ‘how much of an impact do we have on [climate]?’ That has not totally been quantified”; climate change is happening anyway, “The ice age happened without us…It’s probably this constant cycle”.
SOURCE: Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan Experience
Published: 11 Oct 2022

Charlie Kirk’s video listing reasons to oppose COVID-19 vaccines contains multiple incorrect, misleading, and unsupported statements
COVID-19 vaccines were “rushed into market”; VAERS shows an “unusual spike in vaccine adverse events”; unvaccinated people aren't a threat to vaccinated people
SOURCE: Charlie Kirk, The Charlie Kirk Show
Published: 08 Oct 2022

Biden’s 2021 remarks on the role of COVID-19 vaccines in hurricane preparedness misrepresented in social media posts
President Joe Biden told people to get vaccinated to protect themselves from hurricanes
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, TikTok
Published: 07 Oct 2022

Article by cardiologist Aseem Malhotra made unsupported claims about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines might do more harm than good
SOURCE: Aseem Malhotra, Journal of Insulin Resistance
Published: 06 Oct 2022

Neither medical treatments nor errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
“The third leading cause of death is MD-directed treatments”
SOURCE: Peter Glidden, TikTok
Published: 05 Oct 2022