Claim reviews
COVID-19 vaccines don’t contain magnetic ingredients; dose volume is too small to contain any device able to hold a magnet through the skin
COVID-19 vaccines contain metals or microchips that cause magnets to attach to the arm of vaccinated people
SOURCE: Facebook users, Instagram users, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Published: 20 May 2021

COVID-19 vaccines were tested in animals and clinical trials before receiving authorization; vaccinated people aren’t dying at a higher rate than unvaccinated people
COVID-19 vaccines skipped animal testing; COVID-19 vaccines weren’t tested in humans before being released to the public; COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe
SOURCE: Angelina Farella, Bob Hall, YouTube, Facebook
Published: 18 May 2021

Misinterpretation of VAERS database leads Tucker Carlson to wrongly suggests that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to higher mortality on Fox News
“3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID-19 vaccine”; “more people, according to VAERS, have died after getting the [COVID-19] shot [...] than from all the other vaccines”
SOURCE: Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Published: 14 May 2021

Spherical structures spotted on Mars likely rocks, insufficient water to grow fungus at the surface of Mars
Images taken by NASA’s Opportunity and Curiosity rovers as well as the HiRISE camera provide evidence for a variety of fungus-like organisms.
SOURCE: Victor Tangerman, Ryan Morrison, Futurism, Daily Mail
Published: 13 May 2021

Evidence shows that lockdowns implemented to tackle the spread of COVID-19 have saved lives, contrary to claims in the New York Post
“COVID lockdowns don’t appear to have saved lives”; “ample scientific evidence points to the fact that lockdowns did not save lives”
SOURCE: Eileen AJ Connelly, Ryan Fazio, New York Post
Published: 10 May 2021

Deaths are attributed to COVID-19 according to clinical symptoms and diagnosis; deaths that occur after vaccination are systematically reported and investigated
“If you die within 20 days of testing positive for [COVID-19][...], you’ll be counted as a COVID death.”; vaccines are systematically dismissed as a possible cause of death.
SOURCE: Instagram Users, Instagram
Published: 10 May 2021

A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine for children would protect children and at-risk people by reducing the virus’ spread
Survival is over 99.9% so 'why are they insisting that children get this experimental treatment?'; 'mRNA vaccines are not vaccines but an mRNA treatment'
SOURCE: Wendy Bell, Wendy Bell Radio
Published: 10 May 2021

Scientific evidence demonstrates that COVID-19 and the virus that causes it exist and are different from the flu
“We found no COVID-19 in any of the 1,500 [COVID-19-positive] samples” but influenza A and B; “what we're dealing with is just another flu strain like every year. COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious”
SOURCE: Instagram users, Instagram
Published: 06 May 2021

The benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine outweigh its risks; there is no increased mortality rate among vaccinated people relative to unvaccinated people
COVID-19 vaccines killed people; COVID-19 has a “99.97% survival rate”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Earthley
Published: 06 May 2021

No device can plug into your car’s fusebox to improve engine efficiency and turn it into a hybrid
Plugging this device into a car’s fuse box can reduce fuel consumption by at least 35% and up to 75% by converting the car into a hybrid.
SOURCE: Anonymous, Christianity Today
Published: 05 May 2021