Claim reviews
Contrary to claims in a LifeSiteNews article, COVID-19 vaccination makes it less likely for someone to get COVID-19
If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID
SOURCE: Patrick Delaney, LifeSiteNews
Published: 09 Oct 2021

Article by OffGuardian, ZeroHedge claiming to list 30 facts about COVID-19 contains multiple inaccurate and misleading statements
“There has been NO unusual excess mortality” related to COVID; “Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease”; “Masks don’t work”; “PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness”
SOURCE: Kit Knightly, OffGuardian, ZeroHedge
Published: 04 Oct 2021

Contrary to claims on social media, people who received a COVID-19 vaccine can donate blood and other blood products, including convalescent plasma
“The Red Cross says anyone who has received a COVID-19 vaccine cannot donate convalescent plasma”; “the vaccine wipes out these antibodies [against SARS-CoV-2]”
SOURCE: TikTok user, TikTok
Published: 30 Sep 2021

FDA experts support COVID-19 vaccines, didn’t author unsupported allegations of vaccine-caused deaths
'FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save'
SOURCE: Steve Kirsch, The Exposé
Published: 28 Sep 2021

No scientific evidence for claim by pathologist Ryan Cole that COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune system
COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune system; “Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients”
SOURCE: Ryan Cole, LifeSiteNews, Capitol Clarity
Published: 27 Sep 2021

COVID-19 treatments can improve a patient’s survival and recovery, but don’t replace the individual and community benefits of vaccination
“Now the vaccines are no longer working“; “the vaccine never stopped transmission“; “earlier-vaccinated people experience a complete waning of the injection-induced antibodies”; antibody therapy, “the one option that works”, is blocked by the government
SOURCE: Daniel Horowitz, The Blaze
Published: 23 Sep 2021

A 2014 study showed that the US Corn Belt is one of the biggest primary producers on Earth in July, but didn’t show that it produces more oxygen than the Amazon
"the US corn crop, at its peak, produces 40% more oxygen than the Amazon rainforest."
SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook (see claim in context)
Published: 23 Sep 2021

Pregnancy tests don’t provide a conclusive diagnosis for testicular cancer; not all testicular cancers produce the hormone detected by pregnancy tests
For men, a positive pregnancy test equals testicular cancer
SOURCE: Anonymous, The Adley Show
Published: 22 Sep 2021

1996 paper is about human evolution, not potential for genius
“Black Africans possess more DNA series than any other group on earth”; The more DNA series you have, the greater your potential for genius”; “they copyrighted that study, to hide that truth”
SOURCE: Facebook Users , Facebook
Published: 17 Sep 2021

Global warming contributes to increased heat-related mortality, contrary to Bjorn Lomborg’s unsupported claims that climate change is saving hundreds of thousands of lives each year
"Global warming saves 166,000 lives each year"; those claiming that climate change is causing heat-related deaths are wrong because they ignore that the population is growing and becoming older
SOURCE: Bjorn Lomborg, New York Post, Facebook
Published: 15 Sep 2021