Claim reviews
Inaccurate clickbait headline in Forbes article used to promote the false claim that COVID-19 vaccines change our DNA
Forbes article is evidence that COVID-19 vaccines change our DNA
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, Instagram
Published: 02 Dec 2021

Pathogens can evolve to be more virulent over time, contrary to nutritionist’s claim
“Pathogens evolve to become less, not more, virulent over time”
SOURCE: Mike Mutzel, Facebook
Published: 01 Dec 2021

No evidence that the low COVID-19 case rate in Sweden is due to herd immunity; vaccines don’t lead to new variants of SARS-CoV-2
“Sweden obliterates the lie of ‘vaccines’ as ticket to ending pandemic”; mass vaccination create vaccine-mediated viral enhancement
SOURCE: Daniel Horowitz, The Blaze
Published: 29 Nov 2021

Natural News, others jump to conclusions unsupported by the study they cite to claim COVID-19 vaccines destroy the immune system and cause cancer
COVID-19 vaccine spike proteins accumulate in the nucleus of cells, “destroy DNA repair pathways, paving the way for CANCER” and “destroy the immune system”
SOURCE: Ethan A. Huff, Natural News
Published: 26 Nov 2021

Claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is riskier than the disease for children is based on an economist’s incorrect calculation of the metric “number needed to vaccinate”
“more children will die from the vaccine than will die from COVID in the first place and there’s proof”
SOURCE: Toby Rogers, Substack
Published: 26 Nov 2021

Claim that previously infected people don’t transmit COVID-19 is unsupported, originates from misinterpretation of CDC’s FOIA response
Previously infected individuals who get reinfected don’t transmit the virus to others; previous infection provides “better protection” than vaccination and this immunity “does not wane”
SOURCE: Aaron Siri, Cristina Laila, Substack, Gateway Pundit
Published: 24 Nov 2021

Contrary to claim in Becker News article, not all cases of infection lead to immunity; falsely claims that most COVID-19 deaths weren’t caused by COVID-19 but by comorbidities
“The CDC Finally Admits a Massive Number of Americans Have ‘Natural Immunity’: 146.6 Million People”; 94% of Covid-related deaths were not caused by Covid-19
SOURCE: Kyle Becker, Becker News
Published: 21 Nov 2021

Pfizer CEO’s wife didn’t die from vaccine complications; Myriam Bourla is alive and well
“Wife of Pfizer’s CEO dies after complications from the vaccine”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Conservative Beaver
Published: 15 Nov 2021

Article misrepresents WHO guidance regarding vaccination at schools; the WHO recommends that parents must be informed about the vaccination
The WHO considers a child's presence at school alone to be sufficient as informed consent for vaccination
SOURCE: Pam Vernon, Signs of the Times
Published: 14 Nov 2021

Claim that French study showed long COVID doesn’t exist misinterprets the study and fails to account for its limitations
Long COVID is “mostly a mental disease”; the condition long COVID is solely due to a person’s belief, not actual disease; long COVID doesn’t exist
SOURCE: Anonymous, Substack
Published: 13 Nov 2021