Wall Street Journal op-ed by Steven Koonin publishes misleading claims about how climate change influences Greenland ice melt

in Wall Street Journal, by Steve Koonin

— 24 Feb 2022

Human-caused climate change is already accelerating Greenland’s melting and is predicted to continue to accelerate it in the future. In addition to Greenland, most glaciers aroun...

PragerU video on climate change repeats a range of misleading claims by Steven Koonin

in PragerU, by Steve Koonin

— 29 Nov 2021

"The author of this video, Dr. Steven Koonin, says he is following the scientific reports published by the UN and US government, but by subtly changing wording and choosing not to ..


Link between CO2 and Earth’s temperature is well-established, despite claims on Fox News

Scientists have found no consistent correlation between CO2 and temperature; scientists do not know whether earth will warm or cool in future

SOURCE: Tom Harris , Fox News

Published: 18 Oct 2022


The Epoch Times prints a range of inaccurate and misleading claims about climate change’s impacts and causes

CO2 is not the cause of our current warming trend; Arctic sea ice has expanded in recent years; Polar bears’ population is growing and is not threatened by climate change; CO2 is good for plant life

SOURCE: Patrick Moore, The Epoch Times

Published: 20 Sep 2022


The sun isn’t responsible for current climate change, contrary to claims in Suspicious0bservers YouTube video

Scientists have neglected the effect of solar particles, cosmic rays, the interplanetary magnetic field and Earth's weakening magnetic field to conclude climate change is due to human activity

SOURCE: Ben Davidson, Suspicious0bservers

Published: 29 Jul 2022


More than 75 percent of the Amazon rainforest is losing resilience, as described by the Washington Post

More than 75 percent of the rainforest is losing resilience; More than half of the rainforest could be converted into savanna in a matter of decades

SOURCE: Sarah Kaplan, Washington Post

Published: 15 Mar 2022


Coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef improved in 2021, but that doesn’t mean the reef is ‘growing quickly,’ contrary to Daily Wire claim

Study Shows The Great Barrier Reef Is Growing Quickly

SOURCE: Ben Zeisloft, The Daily Wire

Published: 30 Oct 2021



Here’s what we know about how climate change impacts hurricanes – and what we don’t

— 11 Oct 2022

The uncertainty surrounding how hurricane frequency could change as the climate warms has been brought up in claims seeking to undermine climate change’s impact on hurricanes. Th...

Different parts of the planet warm more quickly than others. That doesn’t mean climate change isn’t happening.

— 16 Sep 2022

If you’re even a casual consumer of climate news, you probably know that some parts of the globe are warming more rapidly than others. Scientists have known for years, for instan...

Yes, plants need carbon dioxide. No, that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.

— 23 Jun 2022

“The benefit[s] of increasing CO2 concentrations for plant growth are increasingly being outweighed by the negative impacts, especially of global warming. This is true for natura...

How sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic is influenced by climate change

— 27 Jan 2022

“The decreases have accelerated since the 1990s and have been part of a consistent suite of changes in the Arctic, including rising atmospheric temperatures, melting land ice, th...