Reviews of articles from: The Epoch Times
New CDC data don’t confirm that the Pfizer bivalent booster shot increases the risk of ischemic strokes
“An increased risk of stroke events has been identified with the Pfizer COVID-19 bivalent vaccine”
SOURCE: Yuhong Dong, The Epoch Times
Published: 17 Fév 2023

Ivermectin hasn’t proven effective in COVID-19 patients so far, despite persistent online claims
Ivermectin is a safe and effective COVID-19 treatment
SOURCE: Colleen Huber, The Epoch Times
Published: 02 Jan 2023

Study led by FDA researchers didn’t find that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine caused blood clots, contrary to viral claims on social media
“Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting: FDA”
SOURCE: Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times
Published: 23 Déc 2022

2014 study by Dyall et al. is an in vitro study; clinical trials showed hydroxychloroquine is ineffective against COVID-19 in people
Federal agencies already knew that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine “were very likely to be effective against COVID-19” based on 2014 paper
SOURCE: Meryl Nass, The Epoch Times
Published: 07 Nov 2022

Japan preprint on myocarditis used inadequate methods to suggest COVID-19 vaccines cause more myocarditis deaths
“SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was associated with higher risk of myocarditis death [...] risk of myocarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may be more serious than that reported previously”
SOURCE: Zachary Stieber, Stephen Hussey, The Epoch Times, Instagram
Published: 03 Nov 2022

The Epoch Times prints a range of inaccurate and misleading claims about climate change’s impacts and causes
CO2 is not the cause of our current warming trend; Arctic sea ice has expanded in recent years; Polar bears’ population is growing and is not threatened by climate change; CO2 is good for plant life
SOURCE: Patrick Moore, The Epoch Times
Published: 20 Sep 2022

Mike Adams’ flawed analysis of a clot sent by embalmer Richard Hirschman doesn’t demonstrate any link between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines
Embalmers find “strange clots” in corpses since the implementation of COVID-19 vaccines
SOURCE: Richard Hirschman, Mike Adams, The Epoch Times, Natural News
Published: 12 Sep 2022

Following COVID-19 vaccination, the spike protein is produced in small quantities in the body, which have not been shown to be harmful
“[Spike] is harmful to the human body in at least eight different ways [and] can persist in the human body for weeks, or even months, after a person gets vaccinated”
SOURCE: Roma Balmakov, The Epoch Times
Published: 25 Mai 2022

Multiple studies show that COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause pregnancy or fertility problems, despite widespread claims on social media
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines accumulate in the ovaries, change menstrual cycles, and lead the immune system to mount “an immune response to their own placental protein”
SOURCE: James Thorp, Michael Yeadon, The Epoch Times
Published: 07 Mai 2022

Claim by Mercola that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine causes immunosuppression is inaccurate, misrepresents study’s findings
“Pfizer Knew About Immunosuppression”; “Fully Vaxxed Are More Likely to Die From COVID”
SOURCE: Joseph Mercola, Mercola, The Epoch Times
Published: 21 Avr 2022