Reviews of articles by: Alex Berenson
Data doesn’t show that vaccines are responsible for 2022 excess mortality, contrary to Alex Berenson’s claim
COVID-19 vaccination is associated with all-cause excess mortality
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 03 Fév 2023

Study by German researchers didn’t find significant safety concerns with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, contrary to claim by Alex Berenson
“One in every 500 children under five years who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine were hospitalised with a vaccine injury”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Will Jones, Substack, The Daily Sceptic
Published: 24 Oct 2022

Analysis of Dutch cities’ mortality doesn’t show that COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of death, contrary to Alex Berenson’s interpretation
“New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 17 Août 2022

No, a study from Denmark didn’t find that COVID-19 vaccines make people more prone to infection; biases in the study likely led to underestimated vaccine effectiveness
“Danish researchers [...] found protection against Omicron turned negative three months after the second dose”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 17 Jan 2022

Unsupported claim about COVID-19 vaccines, anti-spike antibodies, and myocarditis misrepresented conclusions from a New England Journal of Medicine article
“antibodies that people produce against the coronavirus spike protein may lead to myocarditis”
SOURCE: Jim Hoft, Alex Berenson, Gateway Pundit
Published: 09 Déc 2021

The COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against hospitalization and death; number of vaccinated people in hospital does not indicate evidence against this
“the vaccinated population accounted for 72% of Covid-19 hospitalisations”; “the vaccinated population accounted for 83% of Covid-19 deaths”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Jonathan Allen-Walker, The Joe Rogan Experience, The Exposé
Published: 27 Oct 2021

Misleading to compare the safety of COVID-19 and flu vaccines based solely on VAERS reports; VAERS reports alone cannot demonstrate that a vaccine caused an adverse event
One person is 300 to 900 times “more likely to die” after getting the COVID-19 vaccine than the flu vaccine; “Adverse events are widely underreported”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Twitter, Facebook
Published: 17 Fév 2021

Danish face mask study did not show that masks were ineffective at reducing spread of COVID-19; study was underpowered and results were inconclusive
“Masks make no significant difference”; “Masks have no significant effect”
SOURCE: Sharyl Attkisson, Alex Berenson, Buck Sexton, Anthony Sabatini, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Published: 20 Nov 2020