Persistent myths that HIV was created by the West and that HIV medication causes HIV are both false
“HIV was an invention created by the West”, people “took the HIV medication and got HIV”, you can “reverse HIV naturally”
SOURCE: Yahdan Yada, Facebook, Instagram
Published: 30 Avr 2022

Higher myocarditis risk after COVID-19 than mRNA vaccination; contrary to Peter McCullough’s claim, young persons decrease their risk by getting vaccinated
“We have 21,000 cases of myocarditis and climbing. […] Under no circumstances, should a young person ever receive one of these vaccines”
SOURCE: Peter McCullough, Instagram, Facebook
Published: 09 Avr 2022

Claim that the antiviral drug remdesivir is killing people is baseless
“Remdesivir is proven to kill lives”
SOURCE: Bryan Ardis, TikTok, Facebook
Published: 05 Avr 2022

The COVID-19 vaccines don’t weaken the immune system and are unrelated to the HIV VB variant
The COVID-19 vaccine “destroys the subject’s natural immune system”; HIV VB variant is a “cover up”
SOURCE: Alex Jones, Facebook, Twitter, The Alex Jones Show
Published: 11 Fév 2022

Majority of ten countries listed in viral chain message haven’t dropped all COVID-19 restriction measures and aren’t considering COVID-19 as a seasonal flu, despite claims
Ten countries “announced the cancellation of all quarantine procedures, Corona tests, and compulsory vaccination”
SOURCE: Christiane Northrup, Telegram
Published: 07 Fév 2022

Claims that a phase 3 clinical trial showed that ivermectin is effective against Omicron are inaccurate and based on a now-corrected Reuters article
Phase 3 trial shows that Ivermectin is effective against Omicron
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, Twitter
Published: 02 Fév 2022

There is no evidence that dietary supplements containing zinc and a zinc ionophore, such as the one promoted by Vladimir Zelenko, are effective against COVID-19
Zinc supplements can protect against COVID-19; Zinc “kills the virus” and zinc ionophores are a “a zinc delivery system” that “allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell”
SOURCE: Vladimir Zelenko, Gateway Pundit
Published: 18 Jan 2022

Contrary to claim in Washington Times op-ed, COVID-19 shots meet the definition of a vaccine
“COVID-19 shots are not vaccines” because they don’t “prevent one from becoming infected”
SOURCE: Michael McKenna, Washington Times
Published: 07 Jan 2022

The benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children outweigh the low risks, unlike what Robert Malone claimed
mRNA vaccines force “your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs”; “there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children”
SOURCE: Robert Malone, Substack
Published: 20 Déc 2021

Clip of Anthony Fauci discussing potential vaccine safety concerns is from March 2020; current scientific evidence shows COVID-19 vaccines reduce risk of infection and serious illness
“Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus”, “a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse”
SOURCE: Social media users, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn
Published: 15 Déc 2021