Reviews of articles from: PragerU
PragerU video on climate change repeats a range of misleading claims by Steven Koonin
in PragerU, by Steve Koonin
«The author of this video, Dr. Steven Koonin, says he is following the scientific reports published by the UN and US government, but by subtly changing wording and choosing not to mention important context this video is very likely to mislead readers.
This style of selective wording and lack of context, an approach called “cherry picking”, applies to every one of Dr. Koonin’s scientific comments.»
— 29 Nov 2021
Video from PragerU makes several incorrect and misleading claims about climate change
in PragerU, by Richard Lindzen
This video discussing climate change was first published on PragerU’s website in April 2016 and recently posted on Facebook in May 2020. Scientists that evaluated the video found several claims about climate change to be incorrect and misleading to viewers.
— 23 May 2020
PragerU post by Happer uses flawed reasoning to claim that climate models always fail
SOURCE: William Happer, PragerU
Published: 27 Ene 2021

PragerU video contains misleading claims about COVID-19 deaths, falsely claims 94% of COVID-19 deaths had pre-existing conditions
SOURCE: Will Witt, PragerU
Published: 24 Dic 2020

The global polar bear population is threatened by loss of sea ice, contrary to PragerU’s video claim
SOURCE: Anonymous, PragerU
Published: 18 May 2020

Current climate warming is rapid and occurring on a global scale, unlike past periods of regional climate fluctuations
SOURCE: Patrick Moore, PragerU
Published: 21 Feb 2020