Reviews of articles by: Pearson Sharp
COVID-19 vaccines have enhanced reporting requirements for vaccine safety database, so death reports cannot be simply compared to other vaccines
“More people have been killed by the COVID vaccines in the last 20 months than all the other vaccines in the world over the last thirty years combined.”
SOURCE: Pearson Sharp, Twitter
Published: 04 Nov 2022

No evidence suggests a causal link between ivermectin recommendation and the decline of COVID-19 cases in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh
'The most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID-19 free after promoting widespread use of the safe proven medicine'
SOURCE: Pearson Sharp, Jim Hoft, One America News Network, Gateway Pundit
Published: 12 Oct 2021

Strong evidence lacking to support claim that ivermectin is a cure for COVID-19; there are only limited clinical results at this stage
Ivermectin “is a safe and widely available treatment for coronavirus”; it would “work like a vaccine”
SOURCE: Pearson Sharp, One America News Network
Published: 16 Ene 2021