Flora Teoh
Science Editor
Flora obtained a PhD in Biological Sciences from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. During her doctoral studies, she examined how a human-colonising microbe could evolve in response to changes within a mammalian host, and how this process could influence microbial virulence. After a brief stint as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, she joined Health Feedback in 2018 as science editor.
Washington Times article by Robert Malone and Peter Navarro relies on inaccurate and unsubstantiated claims about virus evolution, vaccine immunity, and COVID-19 vaccine safety
in Washington Times, by Robert Malone and Peter Navarro
— 15 Ago 2021
Misleading Wall Street Journal opinion piece makes the unsubstantiated claim that the U.S. will have herd immunity by April 2021
in Wall Street Journal, by Marty Makary
— 26 Feb 2021
New York Post article makes speculative, unsupported claim that mutation could enable the virus causing COVID-19 to evade handwashing and mask-wearing
in New York Post, by Jackie Salo
— 08 Oct 2020
Telegraph article describing the hypothesis that face masks can variolate a population receives mixed reviews on its scientific accuracy
in The Telegraph, by Georgina Hayes
— 24 Sep 2020
Potential role for T cells in COVID-19 immunity accurately reported in National Geographic article
in National Geographic, by Carrie Arnold
— 19 Ago 2020
People who do not show symptoms can contribute to significant COVID-19 transmission, contrary to CNBC report
in CNBC, by William Feuer, Noah Higgins-Dunn
— 10 Jun 2020
COVID-19 vaccine candidate by Pittsburgh scientists show promising results in animal studies, but clinical trials still needed before efficacy in humans is known
in Pittsburgh Magazine, by Garret Roberts
— 11 Abr 2020
Viral New York Post article perpetuates the unfounded claim that the virus that causes COVID-19 is manmade
in New York Post, by Steven W. Mosher
— 02 Mar 2020
New York Times accurately reports vaccine-derived polio outbreaks caused by low vaccine coverage
in New York Times, by Associated Press
— 02 Dic 2019
Daily Mail article misleads with clickbait headline claiming cowpox-derived virus will “kill every type of cancer”
in Daily Mail, by Zoe Zaczek
— 20 Nov 2019
Florida Department of Health misleads on COVID-19 vaccine safety with erroneous comparison of VAERS reports
SOURCE: Joseph Ladapo, Florida Department of Health
Published: 23 Feb 2023

Scientific evidence shows that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are effective; their benefits outweigh their risks, contrary to claim by Retsef Levi
SOURCE: Retsef Levi, Twitter
Published: 09 Feb 2023

Baseless claim that COVID-19 vaccines killed more than 200,000 comes from flawed BMC Infectious Diseases study
SOURCE: Mark Skidmore, BMC Infectious Diseases
Published: 03 Feb 2023

Studies indicate that COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t increase risk of death, despite misleading video on Europe excess death by John Campbell
SOURCE: John Campbell, YouTube
Published: 28 Ene 2023

Tweet by NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene misinterpreted; no evidence that XBB.1.5 preferentially infects vaccinated people
SOURCE: Julia Musto, Fox News
Published: 17 Ene 2023

Evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the risk of death, contrary to claim by financier Edward Dowd
SOURCE: Edward Dowd, Aubrey Marcus, Aubrey Marcus Podcast
Published: 11 Ene 2023

Video by John Campbell comparing historical and COVID-19 vaccines misleads on vaccine safety
SOURCE: John Campbell, YouTube
Published: 06 Ene 2023

Study led by FDA researchers didn’t find that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine caused blood clots, contrary to viral claims on social media
SOURCE: Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times
Published: 23 Dic 2022

No, a German “autopsy report” didn’t show COVID-19 vaccines as “likely” cause of sudden deaths
SOURCE: Will Jones, Daily Sceptic
Published: 20 Dic 2022

Mask-wearing helps to reduce the spread of COVID-19; social media posts misinterpreted Annals of Internal Medicine study on N95 respirators
SOURCE: Kyle Becker, Becker News
Published: 06 Dic 2022