Reviews of articles from: This Past Weekend with Theo Von


Event 201 isn’t evidence that authorities knew or planned the COVID-19 pandemic

Event 201 is evidence that officials already knew about COVID-19

SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Facebook

Published: 20 Mai 2022


The benefits of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing severe disease and other complications outweigh the risk of myocarditis, which is higher after COVID-19 itself

“they were not able to find a single healthy child in america that died from COVID-19 […] but one in every 2700 people are getting myocarditis”; “athletes are collapsing on playing fields as for myocarditis and it's from the vaccines”; Moderna patent filed in 2019 is linked to the pandemic

SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., This Past Weekend with Theo Von

Published: 18 Mai 2022


COVID-19 vaccine candidates are generally safe and effective at preventing disease; ongoing studies investigate whether the vaccine can also reduce transmission

“They have been reducing the standards so they can pass the vaccine no matter what”; “It does not prevent transmission”

SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., This Past Weekend with Theo Von, Children's Health Defense

Published: 18 Dez. 2020