Reviews of articles from: Substack
Multiple studies show that face masks reduce the spread of COVID-19; a Cochrane review doesn’t demonstrate otherwise
Face masks are ineffective at reducing the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, a Cochrane review demonstrates
SOURCE: Robert Malone, Substack
Published: 17 Feb. 2023

Data doesn’t show that vaccines are responsible for 2022 excess mortality, contrary to Alex Berenson’s claim
COVID-19 vaccination is associated with all-cause excess mortality
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 03 Feb. 2023

Study by German researchers didn’t find significant safety concerns with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, contrary to claim by Alex Berenson
“One in every 500 children under five years who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine were hospitalised with a vaccine injury”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Will Jones, Substack, The Daily Sceptic
Published: 24 Okt. 2022

Analysis of Dutch cities’ mortality doesn’t show that COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of death, contrary to Alex Berenson’s interpretation
“New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 17 Aug. 2022

Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis is caused by a viral infection; no evidence that COVID-19 vaccine played a role
Ramsay Hunt syndrome that caused Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis is linked to the COVID-19 vaccine
SOURCE: Social media users, Steve Kirsch, Facebook, Twitter, Substack
Published: 07 Juli 2022

No, a study from Denmark didn’t find that COVID-19 vaccines make people more prone to infection; biases in the study likely led to underestimated vaccine effectiveness
“Danish researchers [...] found protection against Omicron turned negative three months after the second dose”
SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack
Published: 17 Jan. 2022

The scientific evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of infection and mortality; analysis of cases and deaths from 145 countries is methodologically flawed
“New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)“
SOURCE: Steve Kirsch, Substack
Published: 12 Jan. 2022

The benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children outweigh the low risks, unlike what Robert Malone claimed
mRNA vaccines force “your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs”; “there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children”
SOURCE: Robert Malone, Substack
Published: 20 Dez. 2021

Claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is riskier than the disease for children is based on an economist’s incorrect calculation of the metric “number needed to vaccinate”
“more children will die from the vaccine than will die from COVID in the first place and there’s proof”
SOURCE: Toby Rogers, Substack
Published: 26 Nov. 2021

Claim that previously infected people don’t transmit COVID-19 is unsupported, originates from misinterpretation of CDC’s FOIA response
Previously infected individuals who get reinfected don’t transmit the virus to others; previous infection provides “better protection” than vaccination and this immunity “does not wane”
SOURCE: Aaron Siri, Cristina Laila, Substack, Gateway Pundit
Published: 24 Nov. 2021