Reviews of articles by: Tucker Carlson
COVID-19 vaccines don’t weaken the immune system; Lancet study misrepresented in Virology Journal comment
Lancet study showed that vaccinated people have lower immune function than unvaccinated people; COVID-19 vaccines suppress the immune system
SOURCE: Kenji Yamamoto, Tucker Carlson, The Hodgetwins, Fox News
Published: 28 Juli 2022

Vaccines are highly effective against COVID-19, but unvaccinated people can still endanger vaccinated people, contrary to Tucker Carlson’s claim on Fox News
“If you are vaccinated against COVID-19, you face no conceivable danger whatsoever from people who have not been vaccinated”; many unvaccinated people “have natural immunity and are less likely to get sick than a vaccinated person from COVID”
SOURCE: Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Published: 19 Okt. 2021

Misinterpretation of VAERS database leads Tucker Carlson to wrongly suggests that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to higher mortality on Fox News
“3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID-19 vaccine”; “more people, according to VAERS, have died after getting the [COVID-19] shot [...] than from all the other vaccines”
SOURCE: Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Published: 14 Mai 2021