Reviews of articles by: Steven Baker


Oxygen in the air doesn’t prevent people from getting tetanus through cuts with dirty or rusty objects; the vaccine is important to prevent infection

“The tetanus bacteria is an anaerobic bacteria. That means that it cannot live in the presence of oxygen. You cannot get tetanus by stepping on a rusty nail.“

SOURCE: Steven Baker, Facebook

Published: 15 März 2021


Vaccines are safe and aren’t associated with autoimmune disease, contrary to claim in viral video by chiropractor Steven Baker

“Vaccines cause autoimmune disease”; COVID-19 vaccine will “change your genes”; aborted fetal tissue is in vaccines

SOURCE: Steven Baker, Facebook

Published: 11 März 2021


Overwhelming weight of scientific evidence demonstrates that vaccines are safe and effective, contrary to claims in video by chiropractor Steve Baker

There are many reasons to not vaccinate, including vaccine toxicity; “Vaccines don’t prevent transmission”; “Vaccinated kids are not as healthy as unvaccinated kids“

SOURCE: Steven Baker, Facebook

Published: 21 Jan. 2021