Reviews of articles by: Liz Wheeler


Children under six are at a much higher risk of hepatitis B-related complications than adults; vaccination is very safe and effective at preventing infection and disease

“If you don't have hepatitis B then your baby's not going to have hepatitis B”; “there's 16 times the amount of aluminum that the FDA says can poison a baby”

SOURCE: Liz Wheeler, The Liz Wheeler Show

Published: 01 Apr. 2022


Pfizer’s confidential document shows adverse events reported following vaccination; it doesn’t demonstrate that the vaccine caused the events or is unsafe

Safety surveillance data in the Pfizer’s document shows harmful effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

SOURCE: Liz Wheeler, John Campbell, Social media users, Children's Health Defense, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram

Published: 11 März 2022


Face masks can filter small airborne particles, including respiratory droplets, and are effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19

Science debunks the use of face masks to stop viruses like COVID-19

SOURCE: Byram Bridle, Liz Wheeler, Net Nuance, The Liz Wheeler Show

Published: 14 Aug. 2021


Misinterpreted New York Times report leads to false claim that the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is inflated by up to 90%

COVID-19 case numbers are inflated due to PCR test sensitivity; “90% of positive COVID-19 tests should be negative”

SOURCE: Liz Wheeler, Steve Deace, One America News Network, The Blaze

Published: 10 Sep. 2020