Reviews of articles by: Charlie Kirk
Charlie Kirk’s video listing reasons to oppose COVID-19 vaccines contains multiple incorrect, misleading, and unsupported statements
COVID-19 vaccines were “rushed into market”; VAERS shows an “unusual spike in vaccine adverse events”; unvaccinated people aren't a threat to vaccinated people
SOURCE: Charlie Kirk, The Charlie Kirk Show
Published: 08 Okt. 2022

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of death from COVID-19; the vaccines don’t alter our DNA
Canadian data shows vaccinated people more likely to die from COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccines alter our DNA; hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin cure COVID-19
SOURCE: Charlie Kirk, The Charlie Kirk Show
Published: 21 Juli 2022

In viral Turning Point USA video, Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk falsely claim there is no evidence of global warming and scientists don’t know the cause
There is no factual data to back up global warming; real scientists don’t know whether CO2, solar sunspots or natural activity cause global warming
SOURCE: Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk , Turning Point USA
Published: 16 Apr. 2021