Claim reviews
False claim shared by President Trump that only 6% of CDC-reported deaths are from COVID-19 is based on flawed reasoning
only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid, the rest had other serious illnesses
SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook
Published: 31 Aug 2020

Human DNA does not produce a positive result on the RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2
“WHO coronavirus PCR test primer sequence is found in all human DNA”; “this means that the WHO test kits should find a positive result in all humans”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Piece of Mindful
Published: 31 Aug 2020

A vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 would be useful even if the survival rate from COVID-19 is high
With the survival rate of COVID-19 close to 100% without a vaccine, what exactly will the purpose of the new vaccine be?
SOURCE: Facebook User, Facebook
Published: 28 Aug 2020

People infected with SARS-CoV-2 can transmit the virus to others, even if they do not show symptoms of the disease and are not considered sick
“The greatest trick the CDC ever pulled was convincing the world you can be sick without having symptoms”
SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook
Published: 27 Aug 2020

Altered image falsely suggests that restaurant staff in Maine are required to wear dog cone-style face visors to protect against COVID-19
“Governor of Maine orders restaurant staff to wear COVID visors like dog cones”
SOURCE: Sherri Tenpenny, Paul Joseph Watson, Twitter, Summit News
Published: 27 Aug 2020

Listicle of “facts” about COVID-19 contains numerous inaccurate and misleading claims
“The overall lethality of [COVID-19] (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza”
SOURCE: Anonymous, Swiss Policy Research
Published: 26 Aug 2020

Planting trees can help mitigate some aspects of climate change, but it cannot solve all environmental crises
“Trees provide a solution to almost all environmental crises we're facing. Trees reverse climate change by cleaning carbon from the air.”
SOURCE: Pamela Anderson, 8 Billion Trees
Published: 25 Aug 2020

Current COVID-19 mortality rate does not predict the future probability of dying from the disease
“Chance of NOT dying from Covid-19: 99.96%”
SOURCE: Facebook User, Facebook
Published: 21 Aug 2020

Flawed “study” incorrectly claims that countries adopting hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 experienced reduced mortality rates
Large country-randomized controlled trial in 2.7 billion people shows 79.1% lower death rate in COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine
SOURCE: Anonymous, CovidAnalysis
Published: 17 Aug 2020

Sweden’s COVID-19 mortality is higher than in most European countries; no evidence whether or how the absence of lockdown impacted this outcome
“Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown”
SOURCE: Soo Kim, Newsweek
Published: 16 Aug 2020